Sunday, November 30, 2014

Walking Dead

What a midseason finale! Have to say that I really don't like the pastor. Who bumbles around a zombie apocalypse that much? I do think that Michonne could have taken that entire horde by herself and then some, but thats me. Maggie suddenly caring about Beth after spending the entire season not caring if she was dead or anything was kind of odd, I mean if you are going to have a character not give a crap about a family member then at least be committed! I miss Rick yelling Carl constantly, but at least now it feels like Rick has finally gotten rid of Farmer Rick. Cops and Hospitals man, they're just really... awkward. Ah overall I liked the finale and think it was a good temporary end to what has been a really awesome season so far. I am sad for the people who have died, while also rather giddy for what might possibly be coming up.

I am not sure why but it seems like the Walking Dead has had a sudden change. This entire season has felt different, with each episode being so good that it has seemed like each episode was the finale. So I am not sure if this season is just really good, or the previous seasons were just really bad, or if this season is so good that it puts everything else to shame? Hm, maybe I am over thinking this one. Anyway it is awesome and I hope it doesn't stop! 


Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Force Awakens Gotham Fury

How about that Star Wars episode 7 teaser trailer? I have to say I was VERY giddy to see it, and thought it was awesome! Now yes some people have been voicing quite a bit of dislike for it, but I think that they are just being too critical. First off, it was just a teaser trailer so them showing anything more than the title of the film and when it is coming out is simply amazing. 

But if you approach it from the point of view of complete impartiality, it looked pretty cool. We see stormtroopers, the inside of some sort of dropship, a neat looking speeder, a whimsical looking droid, the most epic X-wing scene that I have EVER seen, a mysteriously evil Sith with a unique lightsaber, and the always awesome Millennium Falcon performing some pretty cool maneuvers while a Andy Serkis gives an interesting yet completely unrevealing narration. Thats all cool, and they didn't have to show us any of it this soon, especially considering they just finished filming it. The best part of it all? Virtually no CGI! Almost everything you see are practical effects, which is just awesome!

So the Gotham TV show had its midseason finale, and I liked it. We got to see a lot of action, Alfred being too cool, some really good background build-up, some more batman villains thrown in, the coming mafia war expanding, and a mysterious pointing at something 'bigger' going on by 'someone'. All the sorts of great stuff that you would want to see in a midseason finale. And I don't know, it just felt fun. I love the young catwoman, the actress really pulls off catwoman's quirky nature. Overall just good.

Finally lets talk about Fury, the movie. I recently was able to watch this movie and really liked what I saw. It reminds me of the old WW2 movies that seemed to be really common when I was younger, or at least that I watched a lot of when I was a kid. It seems after a while they just sort of stopped making WW2 movies, sure there have been a couple in the last decade but still. This movie brings you back to the near-propagandistic WW2 of the 1950s/60s, but adds in far more realism and accuracy that really drives home the horrors of war. If nothing else, it makes you realize just what terrible things the soldiers of that generation experienced and the sort of memories they have to live with. If anything it makes you want to go out and find a WW2 vet and hug them... and then run away before he tries to beat off the strange person hugging him with a cane. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Agents of Flashy Arrow Sales in Gotham

You know it seems like there are suddenly a lot of comic book TV shows. Hm. Anyway, so Agents of Shield got REALLY awesome in that last episode. I like it when shows tie storylines just a wee bit more up in non-finale episodes, and this episode did quite a bit of that. From references to SO many comic book stuff, movie stuff, and presenting characters that are playing so many different sides and long games it will almost remind you of LOST, this episode was great and I can't wait to see more!

The Flash was more meh. I don't know, I really haven't been like the Flash show. Its alright, I guess, but it just doesn't feel... good. This episode the Flash gets the name Flash in-universe which is interesting I guess, and the stuff happening with the Flash's adoptive father and boss was probably the only part that made me want to keep watching. The rest was just...meh.

In almost the exact opposite way, this weeks Arrow episode twas very very good! Cupid wasn't all that 'bad' of a villain, but was pretty cool to see anyway. Shout outs to the Suicide Squad is always nice to see. The further Development of Atom was pretty cool and this episode teased QUITE a bit more. Besides who doesn't like looking at Felicity and listening to all her funny banter? Also, while the ending scene had almost nothing to do with the episode, all I have to say is that I have NEVER been this excited to see Captain Boomerang!

Gotham, ah Gotham, what can I say about Gotham? Great show on so many levels! Its a Cop drama, its a Mafia drama, its a Batman Villain backstory drama, its a kid-just-lost-his-parents-and-is-trying-to-become-a-man drama, just so much to love. And this episode was great, I mean you had Penguin doing confusingly awesome stuff, Mafia people being Mafia people and trying to out-Mafia other Mafia people, they setup Arkham Asylum becoming a thing which was great to see, and seeing a young Catwoman tease/flirt with a young Batman was hilariously awesome! The one thing that felt "meh"-y to me about this latest episode though, was the Barbara drama. It just felt very strange and forced. I mean, they had just gone through a crazy-Mafia-trying-to-kill-them scenario and survived, crap she even risked EVERYTHING by returning to Gotham to yell at the Godfather himself because she is just that strong of a person! It was awesome! Heck, I kind of would like her to become Batwoman right now because it seems like she could smack all the criminals down out of shear force of will and guts! But then, but then her character decides she is too afraid of...stuff and wants to go do stuff that just makes NO SENSE whatsoever! Now hey, I have nothing against the specifics of it, I just don't see the character's motivation to do any of that stuff. Especially after the last few episodes where she was more of a rock hard bastion of justice than Gordon! Meh, I guess its just a result of the practical requirement that all shows on the CW have pointless relationship drama....oh wait!

So yeah, from the 25th of November to the 2nd of December the First Episode of the Tales of a Fable Star will be on sale on the US and UK Amazon stores. I don't know why I can only have sales for those two nations on amazon, I mean I would be fine with having it on sale on all nation's specific sites but hey what can you do? So hey there is that!

US link:

UK link:

I wonder if they will ever make a show for and about a comic book villain? How awesome would it be to see the Joker's rise to power, or Loki trolling everybody?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

That Spoilery Point

So there is a point where talking about various TV shows and games and such gets a bit difficult because all of the things that make me giddy to the point of jumping up and down is filled with so many spoilers that stating anything about it will ruin any possible feelings of wanting to jump up and down in others.

This commonly happens in real life as well, where I am talking about The Walking Dead with someone until it is revealed that they haven't seen any of the episodes of the new season. Now, there are SO many spoilers in just the first episode of this new season that if I mention anything it will be ruined for the other person, even the other episodes spoil so much that was built up into last season's finale that I can't even express how awesome a certain character getting his leg munched on was. You know that last bit will probably sound very weird to anyone who hasn't either seen the show or know the comics or both, but as someone who has seen the comics of the Walking Dead let me just say that it was amazing to see them do it in the show. So lets talk about stuff without spoilers (kind of).

But yeah, Gotham is really awesome despite being batmanless, Agents of Shield is good with the stuff and the people and the hints at the things, Arrow is getting pretty good with all of the poking at the audience, I still think the Flash a bit 'meh' but thats me, and finally that Doctor Who finale was interesting.

I do want to comment on the finale or mid-season finale of Doctor Who, I mean it was great seeing that... person, especially with the... differences made to that character's... attributes. But I didn't really like seeing the... minor villains yet again for a season finale. Don't get me wrong I love those... beings, and they are cool and all it just feels like they have already been done, a lot. And for some reason it just didn't seem all that thrilling. I mean sure the premise of the... main villain's plan was sort of interesting but it didn't seem all that threatening, especially when you consider what they did the last time that character had a finale appearance. With the minor villains appearing, and then doing nothing for like 80% of the time, only to then in the end not do anything. Because I mean come on, that final choice the Doctor had to make, did anyone seriously think he would have made any other decision? Seriously, its the Doctor, he wiped out (or at least he thought he did, but whatever) his entire species just so he could wipe out a different species. Who needs an army when you are the Doctor? And if for some reason he wanted one, as can be seen in the Demon Run's storyline, he can just form one by plucking some of the people he has helped over the years out of their own timelines and sending them at his enemies.

Ah, I don't know. It just seems like ever since this new season of Doctor Who started the story quality got lowered relative to the special effects getting increased. I like the concept of the new Doctor, it just seems like he isn't being used to his fullest story telling potential and rather being used as a character around cool looking special effects. I mean geez, one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who is still the one where virtually the entire episode takes place in one small room that is dressed up like the inside of a vehicle, as the Doctor and the passengers of the vehicle have to figure out 'What was the sound?" while being broken down on the side of a road on a planet where if they leave the vehicle they will be incinerated. There were almost no special effects for the majority of that episode, but the acting and story telling was just so amazing that is in my opinion one of the greatest works of television!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fourth Book For Sale

Well I had been focusing possibly a little too hard on writing this episode of the Tales of the Fable Star series, but it is finally finished! Yes, the fourth and final entry in this Tales of the Fable Star series is done and now available on the Kindle Market!

Tales of the Fable Star: Episode 4: Here Be Dragons.

This episode took quite a bit of time to write, maybe because I put a little too much into it (it is the longest episode at 56k words) but I did have a lot of fun with it. Without revealing too much, I tried to aim for a bit more with this episode. To show the changes in Captain No-name, both mentally and physically, and to wrap up several storylines that have been running in the background. While of course poking fun at everything I can think of. While this is the final entry in this series, I may write more about the crew of the Fable Star in the future, or I may even write up some things in the same universe and expand upon a variety of background and side characters.

...Or you know, go binge watch the last 3 seasons to How I met your mother, because I STILL have to catch up with that show. Ah, something interesting will happen I am sure.