Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tales of the Fable Star Episode Collection

Ah so the Tales of the Fable Star Episodes 1 through 4 Collection is now officially available. All four episodes have been compiled into one ebook so that it will be easier to read. The ebook is available through the Amazon Kindle store here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R1XMSDQ 

I also really do like this cover.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Orphan Black Snubs Flashy Arrow Agents of Shield with Mad Max trailers

So Orphan Black got snubbed by the Golden Globes yet again despite featuring some of the greatest acting skills that I have ever seen on television! I don't know why Orphan Black seems to have some sort of innate award repellent, but it should be getting so many awards for so many things that it just confuses me.

Ah, in other television news a bunch of series are having their mid-season finales and they have been pretty good. The Flash's finale was a much better episode than most of the show's episodes, and despite feeling rather 'meh' about the show so far I am actually excited for the rest of the season! So many questions and so many interesting answers, I can't wait to see more.

Speaking of which, holy crap that Arrow finale!! I mean, I sort of expected some of it but dang they wrapped up some things while asking new questions so well that I am really happy with where this show is going. And while I don't think they are going to be tying the DC TV shows in with the upcoming DC movies, they have so many characters in the Arrow's and Flash's shared universe that they can make a ton of more shows while keeping everything feeling awesome. I am really surprised with how good the DC TV shows have been, I hope they keep it up!

Ah Agents of Shield how I love thee. Another great mid-season finale that opens the 2nd half of the season to be even more awesome than the 1st. It seems they are setting things up to tie in with the InHumans movie coming out in a few years which is pretty cool. Plus I liked how they FINALLY revealed who Skye is, and I am personally hoping they will not only put her into a movie at some point but will also use this show to give the InHumans movie a build-up. Its somewhat doubtful of course, but it would still be awesome!

Oh and finally, how about that Mad Max trailer man! So many things exploding, without CGI, so many crazy over the top awesomeness while still being not too over the top that I just can't breathe! Looks like they are sort of but not really rebooting things, new guy playing Max and a bunch of new characters. But it all looks awesome and still really crazy explodey, so thats good. Ah, have to say the last few weeks have been really great for trailers. Star Wars, Terminator, Jurassic World, and now Mad Max. All I have to say is that I can't wait to watch movies in 2015! 

Hm, maybe I should rethink my titling scheme...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Walking Dead

What a midseason finale! Have to say that I really don't like the pastor. Who bumbles around a zombie apocalypse that much? I do think that Michonne could have taken that entire horde by herself and then some, but thats me. Maggie suddenly caring about Beth after spending the entire season not caring if she was dead or anything was kind of odd, I mean if you are going to have a character not give a crap about a family member then at least be committed! I miss Rick yelling Carl constantly, but at least now it feels like Rick has finally gotten rid of Farmer Rick. Cops and Hospitals man, they're just really... awkward. Ah overall I liked the finale and think it was a good temporary end to what has been a really awesome season so far. I am sad for the people who have died, while also rather giddy for what might possibly be coming up.

I am not sure why but it seems like the Walking Dead has had a sudden change. This entire season has felt different, with each episode being so good that it has seemed like each episode was the finale. So I am not sure if this season is just really good, or the previous seasons were just really bad, or if this season is so good that it puts everything else to shame? Hm, maybe I am over thinking this one. Anyway it is awesome and I hope it doesn't stop! 


Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Force Awakens Gotham Fury

How about that Star Wars episode 7 teaser trailer? I have to say I was VERY giddy to see it, and thought it was awesome! Now yes some people have been voicing quite a bit of dislike for it, but I think that they are just being too critical. First off, it was just a teaser trailer so them showing anything more than the title of the film and when it is coming out is simply amazing. 

But if you approach it from the point of view of complete impartiality, it looked pretty cool. We see stormtroopers, the inside of some sort of dropship, a neat looking speeder, a whimsical looking droid, the most epic X-wing scene that I have EVER seen, a mysteriously evil Sith with a unique lightsaber, and the always awesome Millennium Falcon performing some pretty cool maneuvers while a Andy Serkis gives an interesting yet completely unrevealing narration. Thats all cool, and they didn't have to show us any of it this soon, especially considering they just finished filming it. The best part of it all? Virtually no CGI! Almost everything you see are practical effects, which is just awesome!

So the Gotham TV show had its midseason finale, and I liked it. We got to see a lot of action, Alfred being too cool, some really good background build-up, some more batman villains thrown in, the coming mafia war expanding, and a mysterious pointing at something 'bigger' going on by 'someone'. All the sorts of great stuff that you would want to see in a midseason finale. And I don't know, it just felt fun. I love the young catwoman, the actress really pulls off catwoman's quirky nature. Overall just good.

Finally lets talk about Fury, the movie. I recently was able to watch this movie and really liked what I saw. It reminds me of the old WW2 movies that seemed to be really common when I was younger, or at least that I watched a lot of when I was a kid. It seems after a while they just sort of stopped making WW2 movies, sure there have been a couple in the last decade but still. This movie brings you back to the near-propagandistic WW2 of the 1950s/60s, but adds in far more realism and accuracy that really drives home the horrors of war. If nothing else, it makes you realize just what terrible things the soldiers of that generation experienced and the sort of memories they have to live with. If anything it makes you want to go out and find a WW2 vet and hug them... and then run away before he tries to beat off the strange person hugging him with a cane. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Agents of Flashy Arrow Sales in Gotham

You know it seems like there are suddenly a lot of comic book TV shows. Hm. Anyway, so Agents of Shield got REALLY awesome in that last episode. I like it when shows tie storylines just a wee bit more up in non-finale episodes, and this episode did quite a bit of that. From references to SO many comic book stuff, movie stuff, and presenting characters that are playing so many different sides and long games it will almost remind you of LOST, this episode was great and I can't wait to see more!

The Flash was more meh. I don't know, I really haven't been like the Flash show. Its alright, I guess, but it just doesn't feel... good. This episode the Flash gets the name Flash in-universe which is interesting I guess, and the stuff happening with the Flash's adoptive father and boss was probably the only part that made me want to keep watching. The rest was just...meh.

In almost the exact opposite way, this weeks Arrow episode twas very very good! Cupid wasn't all that 'bad' of a villain, but was pretty cool to see anyway. Shout outs to the Suicide Squad is always nice to see. The further Development of Atom was pretty cool and this episode teased QUITE a bit more. Besides who doesn't like looking at Felicity and listening to all her funny banter? Also, while the ending scene had almost nothing to do with the episode, all I have to say is that I have NEVER been this excited to see Captain Boomerang!

Gotham, ah Gotham, what can I say about Gotham? Great show on so many levels! Its a Cop drama, its a Mafia drama, its a Batman Villain backstory drama, its a kid-just-lost-his-parents-and-is-trying-to-become-a-man drama, just so much to love. And this episode was great, I mean you had Penguin doing confusingly awesome stuff, Mafia people being Mafia people and trying to out-Mafia other Mafia people, they setup Arkham Asylum becoming a thing which was great to see, and seeing a young Catwoman tease/flirt with a young Batman was hilariously awesome! The one thing that felt "meh"-y to me about this latest episode though, was the Barbara drama. It just felt very strange and forced. I mean, they had just gone through a crazy-Mafia-trying-to-kill-them scenario and survived, crap she even risked EVERYTHING by returning to Gotham to yell at the Godfather himself because she is just that strong of a person! It was awesome! Heck, I kind of would like her to become Batwoman right now because it seems like she could smack all the criminals down out of shear force of will and guts! But then, but then her character decides she is too afraid of...stuff and wants to go do stuff that just makes NO SENSE whatsoever! Now hey, I have nothing against the specifics of it, I just don't see the character's motivation to do any of that stuff. Especially after the last few episodes where she was more of a rock hard bastion of justice than Gordon! Meh, I guess its just a result of the practical requirement that all shows on the CW have pointless relationship drama....oh wait!

So yeah, from the 25th of November to the 2nd of December the First Episode of the Tales of a Fable Star will be on sale on the US and UK Amazon stores. I don't know why I can only have sales for those two nations on amazon, I mean I would be fine with having it on sale on all nation's specific sites but hey what can you do? So hey there is that!

US link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KKQSNHG

UK link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00KKQSNHG

I wonder if they will ever make a show for and about a comic book villain? How awesome would it be to see the Joker's rise to power, or Loki trolling everybody?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

That Spoilery Point

So there is a point where talking about various TV shows and games and such gets a bit difficult because all of the things that make me giddy to the point of jumping up and down is filled with so many spoilers that stating anything about it will ruin any possible feelings of wanting to jump up and down in others.

This commonly happens in real life as well, where I am talking about The Walking Dead with someone until it is revealed that they haven't seen any of the episodes of the new season. Now, there are SO many spoilers in just the first episode of this new season that if I mention anything it will be ruined for the other person, even the other episodes spoil so much that was built up into last season's finale that I can't even express how awesome a certain character getting his leg munched on was. You know that last bit will probably sound very weird to anyone who hasn't either seen the show or know the comics or both, but as someone who has seen the comics of the Walking Dead let me just say that it was amazing to see them do it in the show. So lets talk about stuff without spoilers (kind of).

But yeah, Gotham is really awesome despite being batmanless, Agents of Shield is good with the stuff and the people and the hints at the things, Arrow is getting pretty good with all of the poking at the audience, I still think the Flash a bit 'meh' but thats me, and finally that Doctor Who finale was interesting.

I do want to comment on the finale or mid-season finale of Doctor Who, I mean it was great seeing that... person, especially with the... differences made to that character's... attributes. But I didn't really like seeing the... minor villains yet again for a season finale. Don't get me wrong I love those... beings, and they are cool and all it just feels like they have already been done, a lot. And for some reason it just didn't seem all that thrilling. I mean sure the premise of the... main villain's plan was sort of interesting but it didn't seem all that threatening, especially when you consider what they did the last time that character had a finale appearance. With the minor villains appearing, and then doing nothing for like 80% of the time, only to then in the end not do anything. Because I mean come on, that final choice the Doctor had to make, did anyone seriously think he would have made any other decision? Seriously, its the Doctor, he wiped out (or at least he thought he did, but whatever) his entire species just so he could wipe out a different species. Who needs an army when you are the Doctor? And if for some reason he wanted one, as can be seen in the Demon Run's storyline, he can just form one by plucking some of the people he has helped over the years out of their own timelines and sending them at his enemies.

Ah, I don't know. It just seems like ever since this new season of Doctor Who started the story quality got lowered relative to the special effects getting increased. I like the concept of the new Doctor, it just seems like he isn't being used to his fullest story telling potential and rather being used as a character around cool looking special effects. I mean geez, one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who is still the one where virtually the entire episode takes place in one small room that is dressed up like the inside of a vehicle, as the Doctor and the passengers of the vehicle have to figure out 'What was the sound?" while being broken down on the side of a road on a planet where if they leave the vehicle they will be incinerated. There were almost no special effects for the majority of that episode, but the acting and story telling was just so amazing that is in my opinion one of the greatest works of television!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fourth Book For Sale

Well I had been focusing possibly a little too hard on writing this episode of the Tales of the Fable Star series, but it is finally finished! Yes, the fourth and final entry in this Tales of the Fable Star series is done and now available on the Kindle Market!

Tales of the Fable Star: Episode 4: Here Be Dragons.

This episode took quite a bit of time to write, maybe because I put a little too much into it (it is the longest episode at 56k words) but I did have a lot of fun with it. Without revealing too much, I tried to aim for a bit more with this episode. To show the changes in Captain No-name, both mentally and physically, and to wrap up several storylines that have been running in the background. While of course poking fun at everything I can think of. While this is the final entry in this series, I may write more about the crew of the Fable Star in the future, or I may even write up some things in the same universe and expand upon a variety of background and side characters.

...Or you know, go binge watch the last 3 seasons to How I met your mother, because I STILL have to catch up with that show. Ah, something interesting will happen I am sure.

Friday, October 17, 2014

That Arrow Zombie

So the latest season of the Arrow TV show premiered the other day. It was actually really good. Usually the season openers for Arrow aren't the best but setup plotlines that you can tell will be good later on, and while it did setup some interesting plotlines, this opener was actually very good in its own right. A lot of action, drama, and people getting killed to the point that I was genuinely surprised how good it was. I honestly can't wait for the rest of the season, because based on the this first episode it is going to be awesome.

Another awesome season opener was the latest Walking Dead season premiere. Holy crap! That is all I can really say without spoilers. So many good things and surprises in this premiere that I have been giddy to talk about it with just about anyone who will put up with me! This episode actually felt more like a season finale than a premiere, which just makes me really really excited to see how the rest of the season will play out. How can they possibly top themselves now, chainsaw wielding zombies falling out of planes? Hm, now I actually want to see that...

Monday, October 13, 2014

Flash Gotham Writing Completion

So I finished the first draft of the Fourth Episode of the Tales of the Fable Star book series today. A lot of things happened, some story lines get wrapped up others get furthered and then there are always splosions.

But I would rather talk about TV shows. The Flash TV show just (not so recently) came out, and it was quite interesting. Now, I am a fan of Arrow and think that show is great, but I don't know about Flash. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. The first episode of course handles the origin story and that is never exactly easy so maybe it will get better, but I don't know it just feels very tonally different than Arrow. Which I suppose on one hand is a good thing, I mean the Green Arrow and the Flash are two VERY different characters and types of heroes. The Green Arrow kills everybody and is just rather dark and gloomy. While the Flash is almost the exact opposite, being very cheerful and bright and upbeat and doesn't really try to kill people. So I guess its a good thing that the show is sticking to the source material, but I guess it just means that I don't really like the character type. Hm.

Anyway, Gotham is getting better. Very good cop show set in the batman universe and is really showing promise. I don't want to spoil anything, but the name dropping is getting very very fun and makes me a tad giddy.

Now, as for book business. While I am still making edits and such to the episode four, here is what the book cover is going to look like along with the reveal of this episode's name. Hehehe.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Batman without Batman

So I wanted the Gotham TV show pilot. It was good. Yeah, and that's the thing, it was just good. Not great, not bad, just good. It setup an interesting city with interesting characters and a lot of potential plotlines. Plus even as the Marvel fan that I am, I did get just a bit giddy when they not really introduced not quite villains.

But the main issue was that, well, its a Batman story without Batman. The pilot starts off with Bruce Wayne's parents getting killed, so we have a good twenty-ish years before Batman can really be Batman. And all of the Super Villains are now the pre-Super not so Villainous Villains who I guess we will see turn into the Super Villains we all know and love.

I was sort of hoping Gotham was going to be more like the comic series Gotham Central, which followed the Gotham Police in a world with crazy super villains and super heroes who are doing all sorts of wild and usually technically illegal things. It was interesting to see how Police in such a different world react and think of things. But instead we see how police deal with things... pre-Super Villains, which I assume will get so bad that Super Villains will be formed and require Super Heroes to save the world.

I don't know, I mean I will still keep watching the show because it does seem interesting. It just leaves me with an overall feeling of 'Good, not Great'. Which is, well, better than being bad, right?

Oh, and don't even get me started on how awesome that Agents of Shield season premiere was!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saley Sale

From now until the 27th of September the 3rd episode of the Fable Star Series, Legacy, will be on sale for both the US (67% off) and UK (52% off) stores.



Now if you are wondering why there is a difference in the percentages of the sale based on region. Well it turns out that in the UK there is this thing called a VAT tax on eBooks, and it is added on top of whatever price I want to set for those books. Which of course means no end of headaches trying to adjust the prices so that the books are roughly the same in all regions. Its moments like these that I wish everyone just used the same currency, lets call it Earthlingos and be done with it already!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cyborgy Caliphaty Who?

Huh, it has been a while hasn't it? Ah, well you know I have been quite busy with all of the cyborg octopi and cyborg mantis men... or women. Researching the specifics of praying mantis genders is actually on one hand very interesting and just as equaling terrifyingly strange. Seriously, praying mantises are some messed up bunch of bugs.

As I am writing episode 4 of the Tales of a Fable Star series, I am forced to look back at some of the story lines and species in the earlier episodes. And I have to say I keep thinking "Oh, I should have made that guy a cyborg." But alas that sort of thing just wouldn't fit the universe... that I made up in my head. Hm.

Speaking of research, as (spoilers) a part of the fourth episode will be featuring a Space Caliphate I have been doing a lot of research on the subject and found some pretty interesting things. Well, I suppose they are interesting to me, not sure how many other people will find minor cultural differences and various customs all that interesting. But darn it I just found it so fascinating that you don't see Muslims giving each other noogies is because they believe that their spirit is located at the top of their head and you are DEFINITELY not supposed to touch it. See? Told you no one but me would find it fascinating.

Ah, oh so Doctor Who has returned and is getting.... kind of interesting? I don't know. I mean, without saying too much, I am not entirely sure about this new season. I liked the start, the new Doctor was interesting and mean and dark and just very new and not really like any of the others. But the third episode was just... I don't want to say fraking terrible, but... It was pretty close to the worst episode I had ever seen. And that is saying a lot, I mean in relaunched Doctor Who series they have had some pretty out there and strange and even stupid things happened, that I have actually liked or at least think was better than this. And it isn't so much a result of a low budget, like some of those episodes seemed to be, but it actually might be because they have too much of a budget. You could clearly tell that they heavily upgraded their cameras, heck it even seems like they but a bunch of new ones, and a lot of graphics and special effects seem to be upgraded due to them having more money.

But thats the thing, when Doctor Who had a low budget they had to sell it to people through the story, through really really good writing. So that even if you are looking at terrible CGI, or what has got to be a bunch of tin cans or something, the writing and acting was so well done that the story out shined any issues with the graphics. But in this third episode, it seemed like it was the other way around. The graphics were great, the props were very well done, the make-up looked like a very experienced team of experts was involved, but the story was HEAVILY lacking.

I hope it was just this episode and isn't the setting of trend for what this new season will be like. Because I really liked Doctor Who for the imaginative stories and spot on acting, not the special effects. I just hope someone involved will realize that and not go too far.

Well, that was a rather long rant. Hm, back to cyborging the octopi!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Doctors and Whos

The new season of Doctor Who started not too long ago, with a new Doctor, a new outlook, and a FAR higher budget. I like it, kinda. I mean, it is still pretty early in the season but I don't think it is bad or anything. I like the new Doctor and how... kinda not nice he is. Sets a new tone for the character, he is all prickly and kinda crazy, and just might let you die while not being ultra-positive.

That said, I am not sure I liked the last episode. And while I won't get too spoilery, it is no secret that it features Daleks (It is in the episode title). My issue with it isn't the general plot, or why they do what they do to what they do it to, or any of the things I have heard people have issues with it. My issue is that it features Daleks! I mean, didn't the doctor kill them all? Multiple times? Like, over and over again? The ones from the prison, the ones made from humans by the emperor, the ones who captured their creator and wanted to blow up the universe, the ones who were attacking Gallifrey, the ones who were in New York and the ones who were made by the ones in New York. Seriously, every single time a Dalek shows up the Doctor is there to kill them all, not take them prisoner or disable them or anything, he kills every single one of them! So where did these guys come from? How did they escape the bits at Gallifrey, or any of the other mass-killings that the doctor has launched upon them? Ah but then they did have that whole Dalek Parliament thing a while back (Don't even get me started on how much the Daleks shouldn't have any form of Democracy!) and he didn't kill all of them, so maybe those were related. Of course, that begs the question of why he didn't kill them. Ah, rant off, back to writing!

Monday, September 1, 2014


So I am working on the 4th Episode of Tales of a Fable Star. And when working on the beginning of a new episode I always wonder how much information from the last few episodes I should repeat. I mean in theory some people might not start with the first episode and read them in order, there might be someone who buys this one as the first one and would be rather confused if I didn't repeat some information that people who have been reading along in order would already know. But I never know how much I should repeat because I know for those who have been reading it in order it can be somewhat tiresome and a put off (I know I for one don't like rereading things I already know).

Which means I need to strike up a balance, a perfect balance between retelling to setup the story for those who are reading this one as the first one or maybe even for those who might forget some things from the last one, and keeping new and fresh content moving along at a pace that people who are already familiar with everything won't get bored with. It isn't easy because, perhaps you have already noticed, I like to talk...or type or whatever. I like giving detail and explaining things, and so sometimes I may go off on a tangent about something even if it is something that I have already gone on a tangent about. Hm, it is a question of just how much information should be repeated and how much of a 'you will figure it out as you go' factor a writer has to use.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day Weekend?

Now while I am typing this I do actually have a physical calender behind me and there are a variety of digital calenders that are at times around my general sphere of perception, but due to whatever sort of fog of war that specifically targets dates I did not realize that this was Labor Day Weekend! I feel like I should have known, but that I suppose says more about my lack of attention rather than the lack of having the means to actually have known. Perhaps I was just distracted by the awesome return of the Colbert Report and The Daily Show (love those guys), or my recent Orphan Black binges but for whatever reason I really did not know it was Labor Day Weekend.

I feel now like I should be doing something special, or important, or life changing, or world changing! But the what and how are slipping my mind, so I will simply say Happy Labor Day Weekend peoples of the USA and the parts of the world that have any idea what I am on about!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Free Sale

So yeah, today the 2nd episode of Tales of a Fable Star is free on the Amazon kindle store, and will be free from today through the 1st of September. Link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LXO0WW8

Tomorrow the 1st episode of Tales of a Fable Star will be free on the Amazon kindle store, and that will continue until the 2nd of September. Link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KKQSNHG

On the 1st of September the 3rd episode of Tales of a Fable Star will go on sale, although Amazon has it up for pre-order so there is that. Link:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MWBXMNC

Now you might be wondering why the 2nd episode is on the 'Free Sale' before the 1st episode, and I will tell you why. Orphan Black. Was so busy watching that show that I missed the midnight deadline which pushed the first episode's sale into tomorrow rather than today. So lesson for today people, don't start watching Orphan Black until you have ten solid hours to commit to it and watch the entire season in one go. But yeah, those sales are going on/will go on, and here is a picture of the wonderful new cover art for the third episode.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Orphan Black Binge

I hate Orphan Black. By that I mean I can't stop watching Orphan Black! It probably isn't serious, I mean it was 6 PM when I started watching the show and its only what... yeah it is 2 AM. Curse this show and all of its unbearably awesome goodness! There are clones, there are very strange staring sessions, dialogue that is just priceless, a riveting plot that leaves you wanting more until you have been watching it until 2 AM and debating whether or not you really have to sleep at night.

  While I won't mention any spoilers *cough* forget about that clones comment *cough*, I do have to say that people seem to get stabbed, nail-gunned, shot and otherwise hole-put-in-places-there-shouldn't-be-holes-ed all throughout the show. And it leaves me wondering how so many people survive all of this stuff, now while sure this is the least of the fringe sort of thing that makes this sci-fi-ish show good, I have noticed that I don't mind it. Normally if you watch someone get shot, hit by a car, a piece of rebar stabbed into them and so on, you would think "Oh that is so unrealistic, I am done watching!" But after watching this show I find myself believing it all and wanting more. If nothing else than to figure out what a fish with wings has to do with anything, you know minor stuff like that.

  I just finished the second episode of the second season after powering through the last half of the first season. So perhaps it does get explained why fish with wings matter, or why no one wants to involve the police in anything that the police should probably be involved in, or why scientists have enough money/power to have seemingly endless men-in-black minions who have no problem doing some pretty messed up stuff, or how a single actress can play so many different roles and sell each role so very well. Hats off to Tatiana Maslany for having such amazing skills, but dang it I just don't want to go to sleep before watching another episode!

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Mun Moon

So I have been playing Kerbal Space Program a lot lately. If you didn't know, it is a game where you are in charge of a NASA-like group and have to build rockets and go to try (and usually fail) to get to the game's version of the Moon and Mars and such. It is rather addictive, though I am not entirely all that good at it. It is very much a simulator, so so you have pay attention to very minor details that will eventually radically change things later on. But hey, who has the time for that? I sure don't! Who cares if I have over a dozen space ship crews stranded on the moon? They love it up there!

Ah, I should probably get back to writing. So if you just so happen to read about a bunch of little green men repeatedly crash spaceships into a planet and get stranded without any hope to return to where ever they came from... I so totally had nothing to do with that. Nope, not at all. Heh.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Nothing like writing until your eyes refuse to work. I did a rather lot of writing today, largely edits and such to Episode 3 of the Fable Star series (Oh yeah that is up for pre-order https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MWBXMNC ) but also some 'test' writing for some other concepts I am working on.

I have had ideas for a variety of book concepts set inside the, as I like to call it, 'Fableverse'. Though I am having trouble getting certain characters just right. I won't lie I am a white guy, or as I like to call it 'Khaki' or possibly beige, and so I sometimes find it difficult to write characters that are not white guys. I personally like stories, in text or otherwise, that have a large variety of characters of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Primarily because I already know what it is like being me and living my life, and want to know what its like to be anyone else and live their life. Though I now have a new found respect for people who are able to create such varied characters, because let me tell you it is not easy.

What is particularly interesting is if you take into consideration aliens. If you include them among the varied characters list, than most writers are terrible at varied characters because just about all aliens are written like one group of humans or another. Though if they were truly alien then they wouldn't act anything like how a human would act, but they also seem to anyway. And I have to admit that I am guilty of writing aliens to be a bit too human. Although I do still want to write up an alien species that has a built-in top hat and monocle, if nothing else than to write up another species with fingerless gloves and sunglasses to have the end all in inter-species warfare.

Monday, August 18, 2014


I hate editing. Sure, proper spelling and all of that is important. But I just dislike going through lines of text over and over again to spot one misplaced period, though I suppose finding that you accidentally put chapter 9 between chapters 6 and 7 is important enough to keep me going. Not that I have ever done that of course. Oh yeah this is my first blog post. Should probably be more proper. *Ahem*

My name is Jon Kole (As if you couldn't tell already), and I am an aspiring author. Currently writing a science fiction space opera series. I hear they are up on Amazon, and are called The Tales of the Fable Star, but all I hear are lies and slander. Oh hey look its a book cover! No wait, its two of them! Now, what were the chances of that?